April 5, 2017

Three Years Post-Surgery Update

Wow, time has flown! So much for my six-monthly updates.....

Life is great post-surgery, the only lingering effects have been partial numbness to the left of my chin and my upper gums are still completely numb. The metal plates and screws are still in place and I haven't noticed any adverse effects. It's hard to believe that I never smiled in photos before surgery, I was so self-conscious - I smile all the time now and don't even think about it!

Some more good news - my big dream of having a nice smile when I graduated finally came true:

What prompted me to finally write this update was a few weeks ago a person recognised me from this blog - we even had the same surgeon! I hope that if you are reading this before you undergo jaw surgery that you find my blog useful, and if you have any questions or even just want to share your experiences I would love to hear from you. Either comment on a post or find me on Facebook!

Here's some of my more useful posts:

My first post on this blog can be found here
I wrote a list of reasons I wanted jaw surgery here
My surgery experience can be found here
And some comparison photos can be found in this post

Or check out some of the other tabs up top for more info.

Some recent photos:

Thanks for reading!
